Polysand is a finesse abrasive designed specifically for surface enhancement
Polysand has so many uses! Try it – You will love it!
It is virtually impossible to list them all, but here are some of the many ways Polysand has proved invaluable:
Aircraft and Marine Craft
Windshields, windows, and canopies, Helicopter bubbles, Glider canopies, Instrument panels, Brass, Stainless, Varnish and acrylics.
Boat hulls, shower stalls, Jacuzzis, Snowmobile Windshields, Mobile Home and Van Acrylic Windows, Safety Shields, Formica Table and Counter Tops, Displays and Signs, Models- Industrial and Hobbyists, Auto acrylic and painted surface.
Furniture, Picture Frames, Lacquered, Resinous, Epoxied or Acrylic painted surfaces, Fine furniture, Musical instruments such as Violins, Cellos, Guitars and more, Decopage – arts n’ crafts.
Removes Tarnish and Polishes: Brass lamps, doorknobs, desk handles, Chrome, Aluminum – patio and lawn furniture, Auto bodies, Printed circuit boards – removes oxidation, Precious Metals – Polishes Gold and Silver Jewelry.
Sporting Goods & Hobbies
Golf Clubs, Pool Cues, Skis, Tennis Racquets – wooden & aluminum, Racquetball Racquets, Bicycles.
And much more
Plastic Artworks, Watch Crystals, Plastic Cases – Calculator, computer, Photographic Lenses and Equipment (Acrylic), Cultured Marble Surfaces, Gems & Precious Stones – if it will dull with wear, Plysand will restore it to its original luster.
Polysand is not intended for glass, aggressive removal of any kind, or textured surfaces.